Public Servant Wage Increase December 2024: New Amount and Possible Increase

Check the important details about the Public Servant Wage Increase December 2024: New Amount and Possible Increase here. Here is the great news for the workers in South Africa. The government has approved the increment in wages for the public sector. Read the article to get the complete details about the Public Servant Wage Increase September.

Public Servant Wage Increase December 2024

Certain considerations were taken for the implementation of the wage increase in the country. Workers across the country were demanding an increase in their wages. These protests were carried out as the workers felt that the minimum wages that were being provided were not sufficient due to the increased inflation and the cost of living. Considering the current economic condition of the country, the increment in wages is a necessary aspect to be considered.

Minister Kivit has highlighted the government’s commitments and the procedure to balance this financial instability and the economic imbalance across the country. The public sector provides employment for 15 percent of the country’s labor force and around 18 percent to formal employees.Detailed Breakdown of the Consolidated Public Service Salary Structure (CONPSS) in Nigeria

The sector covers around 33.7 percent of the population employed. South Africa’s largest public sector unit has been protesting for the increment in wages. They are marching the protest around many hospitals across the country. The protest includes members from the health and education department. Following up to the second week of the rally, law enforcement has been displayed to overlook these rallies.

Public Servant Wage Increase New Amount

The National Education, Health, and Allied Workers union depends on a 10 percent increase in wages. However, the Government has only approved the increase by 4.7 percent. However, as per the members, these increments do not match the level of inflation across the country. The protest has continued for many weeks now. These have led to the stoppage of work by nursing and the management staff. The court has ordered the cease at the moment. However, the protesters are against this decision.

The two-year wage agreement was signed by civil servants for an increment of wages of 7.5 percent during the 2023 to 2024 meeting. However, many unions opposed these agreements and demanded an increase of 3 percent more.  The unions have also agreed that employers need to pay up the shares of their employees who are qualified in the public service line with the sectoral agreement.

Key Element Of The Agreement

The unions have asked for a revision of the demand across the board with an increment of 8 percent in the first year of the wags with an additional increase of 2 percent raise in the second year with the consumer price index and CPI plus 1.5 percent from three to five years.

According to the proposed offer, the unions have rejected the “in its totality” amount. Earners of R22,000 a month or below could get an extra deposit of R3000. For the years 2025 to 2027, the facilitators have proposed an increase in CPI of 0.75 percent and CPI plus 1.25 percent in the last years of the agreement.  Expediting the decision for the implementation of the GEHS as agreed during the Public Service Summit.

For the Government Employee Housing Scheme, the parties agreed to implement GEHS as proposed during the Public Service Summit.  The government prioritizes a fair and competitive environment for public servants to attract and retain talented individuals to service the nation.

Public Servant Wage Possible Increase

The Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council has announced that they are the government, and the majority of the unions have come to the same page about the increment of wages. They have agreed to the adjustment on the payslips. The trade unions that have signed the agreement are HOSPERSA, NAPTOSA, PSA, and SADTU. This agreement covers around 53,9 percent of the trade members. However, there are many unions that are not in favor of the increment. The members of NEHAWU, POPCRU, DENOSA, and SAPU have opted out of this agreement.

As per the government-approved statements, the employers shall pay the employees at the salary level of 1 to 12. This includes the Pensionable Salary increase with the capped CPI projection of 4.5 percent to 6.5 percent. Apart from these, they have agreed that the Government Employee Housing Scheme should expedite the decision on the implementation. The agreement is signed and will be followed up on for a certain duration. The period of the agreement is from 1st January 2024 to 30th June 2026.

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