In an effort to lessen financial hardship for those who were most negatively impacted by the pandemic, SRD grants were introduced. Recently SRD Grant Extended Until 2025. In this post find the Breaking News and Full Report for SA Citizens.
SRD Grant Extended Until 2025
In order to give social security policy changes and a funding model more thought, the South African government decided to extend the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) up until March 2025. Therefore, beneficiaries may now pick up their R350 award until March 2025 thanks to the most recent extension.
SRD Grant Extended Until 2025 was announced by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana in November 2023 during the National Treasury’s Medium-Term Budget Policy (MTBP) Statement presentation. The R350 award, which was originally scheduled to expire in March 2024, has been extended, according to Godongwana.
Godongwana further added that no finance agreement had been reached and that a policy decision about the grant was still pending. In this article, we are going to provide all the recent updates on the extension of SRD Grant till 2025.
Understanding SRD Grant
During the Covid-19 pandemic, low-income individuals affected by lockdowns were given support through the introduction of the Social Relief of Distress grant. The SASSA started to distribute the grant when the nation was placed under lockdown and the health and livelihoods of numerous citizens were in danger.
The funding was originally only supposed to last for a single year. Notwithstanding the conspicuous absence of a funding mechanism, the award has been annually extended as the 2024 elections draw near.
The social wage, which is the total of public spending on jobs, housing, social assistance, transportation, health, education, and local amenities, accounts for 61% of consolidated non-interest spending over the 2024 medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF) period.
SRD Grant Extended Overview
Article Title | SRD Grant Extended Until 2025 |
Provided In | South Africa |
Rolled Out By | SASSA |
SRD Grant Amount | R350 |
Eligibility | Updated Recently |
More Readings | |
SRD Grant Funding News
The grant will be extended for a further year with an allocation of R34 billion, according to Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana. While a thorough evaluation of the entire social grant system is being completed, this temporary allocation will be kept in place.
Godongwana suggested including funding for the grant for the 2024–2025 period in the budgetary framework. The possibility of having to pay more taxes to finance it may not be good news for everyone. There’s a clear indication from the National Treasury that more taxes would be required in the future to support the SRD Grant.
SRD Grant Amount Increase News
Many persons who were not in the labor market may be supported by an increase in the SRD stipend, according to unions and civil society. In spite of pressure from unions and civic society, which advocated for an increase in the award, Godongwana declared the SRD grant will stay at R350 and extend it until the end of March 2025.
The grant’s future has emerged as a recurring fiscal conundrum, with an annual cost to the fiscus of R36 billion. Treasury stated in the statement that following the government’s examination of the overall social grant system, the medium-term extension is only a temporary fix.
The MTBPS further stated that the state just lacks the resources to make that kind of long-term commitment as of now. Prior to the Basic Income Grant’s complete implementation, Minister of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu said that she will petition Cabinet for approval of the proposed policy. According to Zulu, plans are in motion to prolong the unemployed R350 SRD subsidy until 2026.
SRD Grant Final Report
Numerous complaints over the state’s inability to distribute grants to beneficiaries on schedule and the smaller recipient pool have been made since it was implemented.
Godongwana claimed in his statement that the SRD couldn’t be extended past 2025 without more financing because the available “fiscal space” was too limited. Additional cuts of R69 billion in 2025–2026 and R64 billion in 2024–2025 have also been suggested.
We are extremely happy that we were able to assist you in gaining latest information on SRD Grant Extension until 2025.
Ruth Alba is a dedicated writer with a passion for creating original, insightful content. With a focus on delivering plagiarism-free work, he brings clarity and creativity to each piece. His work reflects a commitment to integrity, originality, and engaging storytelling that resonates with readers.
Its does help to speak about something that will pay when they feel and claim to help people. Your paid these month next month you told another income. But the last transactions was last month R350. I do have proof. For some reason politicians believe that everyone can’t think only they can use their brains and everyone is stupid.